Vampire Facelift®

Vampire Facelift (R) PRP in Scottsdale, Explained by the Inventor from Charles Runels, MD on Vimeo.

Are you missing the smoothness, volume, and youthful glow in your face? Have you noticed sagging skin or a grayish pallor in the tone of your face? Perhaps your marionette lines feel heavy and your makeup doesn’t give you the effects you once enjoyed. If you’ve considered having a facelift but are unsure about the downtime and burden of cost, Scottsdale PRP Aesthetics Institute has the solution—a Vampire Facelift ®.

How It Works

The Vampire Facelift ® is a non-surgical procedure that mixes hyaluronic fillers and plasma from your own blood. This specialized technique adds blood derived growth factors through a series of injections to the face. Multipotent stem cells are then activated to promote the growth of new collagen, new fatty tissue (for smoothness), and new blood vessels for a healthy glow. The procedure may cause minor irritation, redness, swelling, or bruising, but usually resolves within 24-48 hours.

Benefits of the Vampire Facelift ®

  • A decrease in the glabellar lines (look like the number 11 between eyebrows)
  • Decreased lines in the forehead
  • Decreased periorbital lines (crow’s feet)
  • A decrease in nasolabial folds
  • Acne scars filled in
  • Smoothing of the vermilion border (edge of lips)
  • A decrease in marionette lines (lines from the corners of the mouth to the chin)
  • Chin augmentation
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Reshaping of the face
  • Smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhanced look, texture, and color
  • The Vampire Facelift ® is for everyone with only a few, rare exceptions
  • The procedure takes less than one hour to complete
  • Minimal downtime
  • Highly affordable
  • Immediate effects with additional results over time
  • More volume, smoothness, and a youthful glow
  • Results that last between 9-12 months

So if you’re up for trying something new and unconventional, the Vampire Facelift® just might be the option for you. Contact our office in Scottsdale a        480-451-7000  to arrange your consult.